Onboarding process for drone

pilots community


Design a social and video-sharing platform with VR mode dedicated to drone pilots. As the community was to be started from scratch, the main goal was to create a seamless onboarding experience for new users.


Project summary


As drone pilots are specific and relatively small target group, designing social app for them had to be preceded with comprehensive UX research.

Observations gathered during the field study were supplemented by research of online forums, Facebook groups and other websites for drone pilots. Based on that information, we prepared and conducted in-depth interviews with potential future members of the community.

The results became a fundament for the whole UX design process we proceeded with.


    •    Stakeholder interviews
    •    User interviews
    •    User flows and journeys
    •    Wireframes and prototypes
    •    Custom icon design

    •    UI and graphic design




The outcome


Social and video-sharing website and mobile app with complex onboarding process based on user ranks that open new website functionalities, video challenges organized by the users and achievement badges.

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